Notas detalladas sobre MALUMA KAROL G

I have a little girl with a big ass and a short hair that tells me daddy get in me and make me pregnant...

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And I can just throw them away when I'm on stage and that's a good way to get pasado of all these bad and negative thoughts that every normal human has in their life. So I'm pretty grateful with this character because it helps me to heal.

For me, that's another thing that I really want to do. I actually want to go next year and stay a couple of months in Los Angeles and become the actor that I want to be too. I want to keep writing music. I want to be on top of the charts. I want to be the artist that I see and feel that I admire that artist. But, for me, the main thing is to be the human being that I am right now. I want to keep my values, keep who I am. I want to keep being this kid from Medellin that I'm going to show you right now. My hometown? This is where I was born, man. This is where I belong. I don't want to lose my roots. I want to keep dreaming to become that huge artist. But the only way I'm going to do it is if I keep grounded. If not, I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to get there.

So, I asked him, “Bro, what's the key, man? Tell me what's the key for you. You're so balanced. You keep being the number one in the world. How? For how many years are you going to keep doing this?” And his answer is just he's with his family in everything he does. He wants to have them everywhere in all the things he does.

In an interview with NPR, Maluma addressed his baby news for the first time, Figura he shared that becoming a father is “such a big dream” for him. 

. “I’d sing all of these mariachi songs to my mom, and that was something that my father couldn’t believe...that I was so young but still wanted to do these performances in front of everyone.”

So every time I go trasnochado, I feel that I give a bunch of my energy to junio maluma a bunch of people. So, I prefer just recharging at home, but then like going to a party or something like that. I prefer doing those activities with my friends at home, I don't like going to clubs. I prefer going to restaurants and having nice dinners. But, I'm not a party guy at all.

Los músicos jamaicanos Ziggy Marley y Charly Black aparecen en el disco de siete pistas, cuyo estado de ánimo se resume mejor maluma hawaii en el reminiscencia predilecto de Maluma del alucinación: “Charly nos llevó a este increíble club noctámbulo del ghetto.

A La Segura le pedirán desposorio en vivo: su novio entrará a ‘La casa de los famosos’ para hacerle la propuesta

Per i fan della musica latina Maluma non ha bisogno di presentazioni: con 18 milioni di copie vendute tra singoli e album e streaming maluma babay da maluma hawaii record su Spotify, è riconosciuto in tutto il mondo come unidad degli artisti di maggior successo ed influenza della musica latinoamericana urban. ^ a b c

La Aemet avisa del cambio de tiempo radical que llega a España en junio maluma el puente de mayo: estas serán las zonas afectadas

Por su parte, Maluma compartió varias imagenes dela cinta del videoclip y un fragmento del mismo con el mensaje: "Esto se fue General". El 'post' del colombiano ha poliedro mucho de que hablar por la última imagen del recopilatorio, en la que aparece en una piscina abrazado a Karol G.

Estrena una nueva canción se situará entre las más cotizadas de su nuevo repertorio porque Maluma ha volcado ahí todo su ingenio

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